Firstly, We want you to know we understand your concerns.
Below is a list of the safety measures we have in place to protect every single young adult that comes to our events.
Before The Event
Members of the Teen Scene Team work hard with local authorities to put all safety measures in place. We are always in contact with them, enforcing new ways to protect our customers. We care about the safety of everyone's child who attends these events. Please be aware all of our events are aged 13 - 17.
On The Night Of The Event
Our S.I.A Security team is outside our venue an hour before our event starts. Safety is our main objective, so a full analysis of the building and the surrounding area takes place before every event.
Upon entry, we will search everyone. We have male and female security staff members to control the flow of young adults and to make sure no one enters the building with anything harmful or illegal. Young adults may be subjected to a random breathalyzer test on entry to ensure that our events remain alcohol-free at all times.
Throughout the whole night, we have SIA security guards are permanently stationed on the doors and inside the venue along with members of the Teen Scene Team to ensure the safety of your children, inside and outside of the building.
Our live feed CCTV will be watching and recording every event.
At the end of our event, our door staff and DBS registered Teen Scene stewards will be outside the venue ensuring added safety and protection.
We have a Parent Perimeter area at each event for parents who may need to assist teens with health or mobility issues and to give family members the opportunity to see their loved ones perform live on stage. For safeguarding purposes, family members will need to remain in the parent perimeter area. Our age limit is 13-17 but we will make exceptions for 12 year olds turning 13 if they are are accompanied by a responsible adult who also need to purchase a ticket for entry.
Our parent pickup point is located at the main entrance of our venue.
Please avoid parking/waiting on the main road.
Please arrive 15 - 20 minutes before the event finishes.
Our attendees will be dispersed gradually. Please be patient.
What happens to those that get refused entry or removed
Our main concern is the safety of our guests. We know that being disallowed or removed from the venue is a scary experience for anyone, let alone a minor. We will ask the minor to contact a parent/guardian or a responsible adult to pick them up and escort them home. This does not mean they are in trouble, we just want to get them home safe. We have uniformed members of the Teen Scene Team appointed to this task with phones that can be used at any point to contact parents/guardians.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is my son/daughter safe at these events?
We believe that they are. With all of the safety measures we have in place, we continue to learn and explore new ideas to maintain a clean and safe environment. We also discuss all of our plans with the local authorities, and they would not let us go through with our event if it was not safe.
What are the main rules for the event?
NO Alcohol
NO Illegal substances
NO drink of any kind is to be taken into the venue
Non-alcoholic drinks will be sold at the venue.
Our DO's & DONT's checklist is promoted to our audience on a regular basis.
Can my son/daughter leave at any time?
We don't allow guests to leave and return. However, if they are leaving and parents have told them to do so, they are free to leave if they wish. Only under unique circumstances will our guests be able to leave and return and if they leave the building they will be subjected to a thorough search upon re-entry by our licensed security guards.
Frequently Asked Questions From Attendees:
Q: “What time should we arrive?”
A: The queues start to form 90-60 minutes prior to the doors opening at 6:00 pm.
Q: “Do we need to print out our tickets?”
A: No. We scan your QR code directly from your phone.
Q: “Do you have a cloakroom for our coats?”
A: Yes. Our cloakroom is supervised by a steward all night and works on a cloakroom ticket service for £1.
Q: “Do you sell drinks?”
A: Yes. Soft-drinks & Waters are available to purchase at the bar inside the venue.
Q: “Do you sell food?”
A: Yes. Food will be available on-site in our safe-space ‘breathing area’. Please don’t enter the venue with food, snacks or chewing gum.
Q: “Can we buy Teen Scene Merch at the event?”
A: Yes. Merch will be available on-site.
Q: “Can we vape inside the venue?”
A: No. We have a designated ‘Breathing Area’ but we strongly advise you to not take up vaping/smoking. If you are caught vaping inside the venue your vape will be confiscated.
Q: “How old do we need to be to attend your events”
A: Our age limit is 13-17 years of age.
Q: “What are the free giveaways?”
A: Teen Scene Merch, Led Futuristic Flashing Glasses & Neon Accessories.
(Please familiarise yourself with our Do’s & Don'ts rules and regulations prior to the event)
Any further inquiries: