Teen Scene Parties have provided safe secure events to a segment of our community where the general consensus is that the events will incite trouble. As an independent youth organisation Teen Scene Parties have completely broken the mold by providing highly anticipated events for the forgotten youth in our communities.
Having conducted 5 successful events at the Rio Grande Bradford, the Teenfest event should have been an amazing event keeping in with the Festival season and would have provided one of the largest and safest outdoor events the city of Bradford has seen for years.
Unfortunately, the combination of the Bradford council and Bradford Bulls have ensured this event does not take place. This event has been cancelled twice at different locations, even though we received signatures from all local residents and business owners stating they were happy for this event to go ahead. The Odsal Stadium was then strongly recommended by the police licensing officer and the council licensing department.
Due to the lack of help and support, followed by a mass amount of criticism from Odsal Stadium, the Public Safety Liason Group and other youth organisations we have come to the conclusion that this is a cultural, racial and deprived youth issue that caused them to pull the plug on our event 24 hours before it was due to start. This last-minute lack of confidence ultimately stems from racial and cultural ignorance as well as an out of touch and dated attitude towards a generation of young people whom not only need but deserve a positive environment where they can have fun and socialise whilst being fully safeguarded by our hand-picked security team and stewards.
We will however still bring the line-up for Teenfest to the home of the Teen Scene Parties organisation, the Rio Grande, Bradford on the 31st of August 2019. Unfortunately, our headline act will be re-scheduled to perform at a later date. Due to all the damage caused to our small independent organisation, this will be our last event for the foreseeable future.
It is with the deepest sorrow and regret to announce that the event did not take place on the 23rd of August due to Bradford Bulls cancelling on us the day before the event with no prior notice and through no fault of the Teen Scene organisation.
We are sincerely sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Thank you for your ongoing support at this difficult and heartbreaking time.